Artwork Formats
Preparing your Files for Optimum Output
Formats for Printing and Signage
Rather than saving your files in the proprietary format, Save your file as a PDF, EPS (encapsulated postscript) or an Adobe AI file.
Please ensure you either send the font/typface or convert all type to either an outline or curve (depending on your software).
Feel free to call us and speak to one of the graphics team for advice, they will be happy to help and could save you time and money.
Formats for Engraving or Machining
We support files formatted in common design formats such as: AutoCad, .dxf, Corel and illustrator.
We can work with many file formats but approval is needed from ourselves to confirm that we have
the compatible software.
Please telephone or e-mail Tim Hanman ( to discuss your requirements.
Convert all fonts to curves or paths as we may not have the exact font you require. Alternatively, include all fonts used in the creation of your artwork.
Photos and Images
It is not recommended to use images taken from the web for use within your artwork. This is because images found on the web are not of a high definition (normally 72dpi) which will result in poor printed output quality.
We recommend that you save your photos and images in their native size at around 400 dpi or higher.
If you have any queries with regards to file types, image quality or software we support, please contact us.